Satisfaction of Pregnant Women with Antenatal Care Services at Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos State

Issue: 2, Volume: 3, Year: 2022

Satisfaction of Pregnant Women with Antenatal Care Services at Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos State

Date of Publication : 29, Apr, 2022

Date Of Acceptance : 21 Apl, 2022

Author: OLUSESI, Mopelola Rumonat (RN, RM, RPHN, BNSc.),

Co Author: Prof. KIO Janet O.

Area of research / Subject: Satisfaction of Pregnant Women with Antenatal Care Services at Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos State

Maternal and neonatal mortality remains a public health burden around the globe most especially in developing countries. Therefore, this study assessed the satisfaction of pregnant women with antenatal care services at Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos State, Nigeria. A survey research design was adopted for this study while simple random sampling method was used to select the participants of this study. A self-designed questionnaire was used for data collection, which was pilot tested through test re-test method. Analysis of data was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that all the identified antenatal care services identified by this study were accessible to the pregnant women except routine home visit and DOTS services. It was equally observed that the overall level of satisfaction of antenatal care services among pregnant women was high [mean score = 67.41; 84.3%]. The overall level of nurses care attribute was high and a positive significant relationship was found between nurses’ care attributes and pregnant women’s satisfaction with antenatal care services (r = .588; p = .000 < .05) was observed while a low and positive significant relationship was found between ward environment and pregnant women’s satisfaction with antenatal care services (r = .588; p = .000 < .05). The study concluded that in order to increase the use of antenatal care services, healthcare authorities should enhance the quality of services related to pregnancy through offering patient-centered care, increasing acceptability, availability, accountability, and reliability of treatment, enhancing input from patients or consumers as feedbacks with the support of technology, communication and cooperation with other stakeholders, and raising community participation. Based on the outcome of this study, it was recommended that interpersonal relationship between provider and client should be an integral part of all ANC services offered, thereby increasing the uptake of ANC services.

Keywords: Antenatal care, Nurses care, Pregnant women; Satisfaction, Services,

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Author(s), OLUSESI, Mopelola Rumonat (RN, RM, RPHN, BNSc.), Prof. KIO Janet O., (2022). “Satisfaction of Pregnant Women with Antenatal Care Services at Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Lagos State”, Name of the Journal: International Journal of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, (IJMNHS.COM), P, 133 –145.  DOI: ,  Issue: 2, Vol.: 3, Article: 11, Month: April, Year: 2022. Retrieved from

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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)

Keywords : Antenatal care, Nurses care, Pregnant women; Satisfaction, Services,

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number:

Serial: 11 Download Page: 133-145